Terms of ServiceOrbital Odyssey Discord bot

By invitingOrbital Odyssey to your Discord server you agree that you have read and accepted the Terms of Service. It's also your responsibility to inform server members of these terms.


Using the bot may only be done in compliance with Discord's ToS, and may not be used for illegal activities. Please report cases of this happening in our [Support server]

Proprietary Rights

TheOrbital Odyssey Development Team own and retains all


Adventure Frontier is provided as-is, the development team retains all rights to change it's availability or functionality at any time

User-related data may be deleted at any time

User related data is not transferable between discord accounts.

Access to features ofOrbital Odyssey may be revoked at any time

Scripting, botting and Cheating

As of May 10th 2023, any form of cheating is disallowed. This includes but is not limited to: Automated scripts, Macros, auto-clickers, modified Discord Clients allowing for the automation ofOrbital Odyssey's features, or any other tool that gives the user an unfair advantage. Any usage of these tools before may 10th 2023 will not retroactively be considered cheating.

Failing to comply with these terms will result in consequences depending on the severity of the case, but can range from temporary suspensions to full account terminations.

The use of alternate accounts (alts) or accessing the accounts of friends or other individuals for the purpose of boosting or gaining an unfair advantage is strictly prohibited inOrbital Odyssey. This includes utilizing a friend's account as storage for additional items, currency, or any in-game assets. Moreover, using alt accounts for the purpose of gathering materials or resources to benefit another character or account is also strictly prohibited. These actions undermine fair play, disrupt the balance of the in-game economy, and are in violation of our terms of service. Players are responsible for their own accounts and must not share their account credentials with anyone else. We enforce these policies to ensure a level playing field and maintain the integrity of our game. Violations may result in penalties, including temporary or permanent suspension of game accounts.

Refund Policy

Refunds for payments may be issued when the user requests it and one of the following requirements is met:
it's the first payment and the user requests a refund on the same day
A major premium feature was removed and the user bought the tier specifically because of that feature

We still require a comprehensible explanation of the situation and never guarantee a refund. Partial refunds might be issued under special circumstances. Refunds are never issued if you have broken our Terms of Service and therefore lost access to certain or all features.

Note: We reserve the right to change our ToS without notifying our users. These terms were last updated May 26th, 2023.